Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thank You, Sir. May I Have Another?

Since our last post, we have had a good number of people send us their entrance fee to the 2011 STL Bike Polo Lock-In. Thank you for your prompt response. Paying early helps us purchase items we need to have and want to have at the Lock-In.

If you have not paid yet, get your money in as soon as you have the chance!

Again, you can send your $25 entrance fee to us via PayPal at:

If it is impossible for you to pay early via PayPal, we need a simple email from you stating that you plan on paying at the door. Hopefully, knowing who has paid and who still owes us money will make the process of getting people into the Skatium a little smoother and faster.

Get excited. It’s only a measly 17 days until we all party together for 24 hours at a run-down skating rink in South St. Louis. The STL Bike Polo club cannot wait to show you that traveling to STL instead of Boston is the right decision 110% of the time.

If you need housing on the Friday night before the Lock-In, information on that will be posted in the coming days. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Goods and Services...

On January 15th and 16th, we will explore the countless ways to have fun at an indoor skating rink in St. Louis, Missouri. Together, all of us will experience life-changing craziness that will be burned in our hearts and minds forever. If you leave The Skatium on January 16th and can say that you did not have a blast, you will have failed in an epic manner.

Of course, to get into our polo party, there still remains that pesky issue of paying the entrance fee. But before you start throwing money our direction, the STL Bike Polo Club wants to clearly state what your money is providing you:

1.) 24-hours of sheltered partying and polo. Your entrance fee helps us cover the building’s rental fee. Your entrance fee provides you with a (kind of) warm place to explore partying and polo for 24-nonstop-hours. There will be polo. There will be partying. There will be dancing (if you’re not too cool for school). There will be games. There will be a piƱata. And Lexington promised an underwear game (we’ll see if they deliver on their promises).

2.) Beer. Lots of it. Your entrance fee provides you with access to as much beer as you can ingest in a span of 24-hours. We will try to do whatever it takes to make sure that you can have a beer from the first minute to the last minute of the STL Bike Polo Lock-In. You are also welcome to bring your stashes of moonshine/FourLoko/beer/liquor/homebrew/etc. for your enjoyment and the enjoyment of others. Just remember: The STL Bike Polo Lock-In is a marathon…not a sprint.

3.) Two meals. One of these may be vegetarian…The other will be along the lines of a pizza run. If you need more than that, feel free to backpack-in whatever sustenance you think you may need (side note: my college roommate backpacked a full, roasted chicken into the AMC theatre in downtown Chicago on opening night of “The Dark Knight.” Feel free to do something similar. Maybe we’ll hand out a prize for the best item carried into the Lock-In via backpack). You will also be welcome and encouraged to explore the city for grub. It’s called a “Lock-In”, but we are technically not allowed to lock you inside the Skatium for 24-hours…Something about fire codes.

4.) Chances to win/earn “fabulous” prizes throughout the 24-hour party. No, I am not talking about Velocity Chukkers. Booze is more likely. We will see what kind of fun stuff we can dig up around town.

Would you be willing to pay $25 for all of the fun promised above? Honestly, I have seen people spend more playing Photo Hunt at the local bar.

If you have read the list above and still want to attend the STL Bike Polo Lock-In, here is what you need to do:

- Send us $25.00 via Paypal.

- Make sure the message sent with your payment contains the following info:

a. The name of the person for which you are paying.

b. The name of that person’s club.

**PAYPAL NOTE** Before you try to pay us online, make sure that you applied and were accepted by the STL Bike Polo Club. If you try to pay for a spot and you haven’t sent us an application, you will not be allowed into the Lock-In, and we may keep your money. If you pay for your spot and we have your accepted application on file, you will get an email officially confirming your golden ticket to the 2011 STL Bike Polo Lock-In.

If you do not want to pay via PayPal, we will collect money at the door. But we will only collect money from people that have applied and been accepted. DO NOT show up at the Skatium on January 15th and think that you can beg your way into the Lock-In. Only people that have applied and have been accepted will be allowed into the party. NO EXCEPTIONS.

For those of you that need more convincing, it has just been confirmed that PBR has agreed to be a part of the 2011 STL Bike Polo Lock-In! This party is going to be amazing.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Countdown to Party...

The 2011 STL Bike Polo Lock-In is just over a month away. I do not know about you, but those of us in STL cannot wait to spend 24-beer-soaked-hours with those of you planning to be in attendance.

Response for the Lock-In has been fantastic considering that we basically spread the word via whispers. If you got your application to us and received your acceptance email, congratulations! You are a simple step or two away from participating in a potentially lethal combination of partying and polo.

As of right now, we are no longer accepting applications. If you missed the boat and you still want to attend, you are probably out of luck…but feel free to send an email begging to be allowed admittance (some members of the STL Bike Polo club missed the same boat).

Payment instructions will be posted sometime next week. Once they are posted, please follow the directions closely. Failure to do so may result in your spot being sold to the highest bidder.